About Soweto

Soweto.co.za is operated by K D A Travel and Tours.
K D A is an experienced bonded and registered tour operator member of SATSA (Southern African Tourism Services Association. – see www.satsa.co.za), membership number: 1949.
We have accumulated well over 30 years of experience in travel and tourism particularly within South Africa but globally as well.
From the launch of the original website www.soweto.co.za way back in 2001, we have since created a very strong footprint in tourism to this the most famous and diverse of South African townships.
It is our belief that no visit to this country is complete without a trip to Soweto included in your itinerary.
We have built bonding relationships over the years with many service providers and have supported so many fantastic local formal and informal businesses all of which have made Soweto tourism thrive for so many years.
Also with our charity connections we have built strong ties with various communities many of whom benefit from you booking your tours through us.
Whether you are an individual just curious about Soweto or a large specialised corporate teambuild group, we will be sure to provide you with a full interactive immersive and personal Sowetan experience, one you will remember for many years to come.